Would you be able to financially help us?
No too much of course. There are some special needs for the children, which we have to abide with,According to the requirements of the Government:-
1) Provide professional counsel on regular or periodical basis, if and when three is a need.
2) Ensure to physical activities, guided if possible, by a professional (coach or a Sports instructor)
3) Ensure esthetic activities, such as dancing, music, creativity etc..
All these three essentials warrants professional fees to persons qualified in this field. How best couldYou help? Manpower or finances !!!!!!
Please respond.
Our Bank details :-
NAME OF ACCOUNT : The Paynter Home
ADDRESS OF THE HOME : 64, Gemunu Mawatha, Nuwara Eliya, Sri Lanka
CONTACT PERSON : Mrs Angeline T. S. Jacobs Trustee/Managing Director
GOVERNING BODY : Trust Board consisting of 5 Members
TEL AND FAX NUMBER : 0094 52 2222289
EMAIL : paynter@sltnet.lk
NAME OF BANK : The Commercial Bank of Ceylon
BANK ADDRESS : No. 36, Budhdha Jayanthi Mawatha, Nuwara Eliya, Sri Lanka
NUMBER OF BANK ACCOUNT : 1344 745 601 (Sri Lanka Rupee account)